Tuesday, July 29, 2008

I want to be the Kool-Aid mom!

I have a confession to make... I want to be the Kool-Aid Mom! I want all the kiddos to hang out at my house. I promise to always have popsicles, juice boxes, fruit snacks,pizza rolls and episodes of SpongeBob Squarepants on DVR. With cute kiddos like these.. who wouldn't want to hang out with them? Today we had a baby get-2-gether. It was a blast! We had kids in the big pool, little pool and some just hanging on Mom. 

We had: 
Addie, Maddie x3, Noah x2, AJ, Elias, Ryan and Lily.. confused? Check out these pics!
 AJ and "momma to be" danielle
 Addie "aka" addie-tude. I think her expression explains it all

 the middle Maddie.. aka.. Mady. She just turned 1!!!! 
 Little miss hostess with the mostess.. the youngest Maddie
too cool for school, Ryan. Aka.. My Maddie's boyfriend.. even though he kissed another girl!

 The younger Noah and Lily.. I think I see a love connection!
 AJ.. talking to all his "lady friends"

 I promise she had a good time
 The older Noah!

Elias... the new kid in town ;)

As you can see, it was cuteness overload! You really can't go wrong with good food, good friends and cute kids! I am lucky enough to have made some really great friends in the past year. We have kids around 6 months apart. (some are even a few weeks apart) We also have some new Moms and Moms to be. I am so happy to be apart of this group and hope our kids continue to be friends. Ok ok.. I just want to host more parties! 


Brandi said...

Ok, you just officially made me homesick!! :(

That looks like an awesome day--and you are TOTALLY the Kool-Aid Mom!

Tabitha said...

So... if I bring Ryan over for some juice pops and pizza rolls... will you have some margaritas or something just for moms in the back of the fridge?? :oP