Saturday, May 2, 2009

Elmo LIVE!

This was soooo much fun! Madison had a blast! She loved all the dancing, singing, lights and characters. Matt and I had so much fun watching her clap and giggle. During intermission they brought out the Elmo balloons. Luckily for us Madison, didn't show a lot of interest. Let's just say there are a LOT of parents with these balloons floating around their house. After the intermission, they requested the parents put the balloons UNDER THEIR SEATS! HA! I about died laughing! How exactly do you tell a kid to put a balloon away? Anywhooo.. I was impressed that Madison made it 1/2 way though the second act. She's been teething for a while and is not sleeping well. We left a little early but all in all, she was behaved. 

Mommy look! It's Elmo!

I'm so excited! When does the show start?


What kid can resist a balloon?

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Easter Egg Hunt!

This was sooo cute! One of the fabulous Mom's in my Mom's group had the kiddos over for an egg hunt. Everyone brought over 10 eggs filled with whatever we wanted. They was candy, play-doh, stickers.. etc. I have to say that I was a little surprised Madison knew what to do. I only had to tell her once to 'find eggs and put them in your basket'. Here are a few pics .. notice Madison stealing eggs from Luca's basket. She thinks she's so sneaky! It was sooooo much fun. I love being able to do stuff like this with her!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Poopie in the tub.. yes, I have pictures!

Oh boy.. where to begin. I guess it's a right of passage for any Mom. The infamous pooping in the tub. I guess it's expected to happen when they are little babies. At that point it's not a big deal. You just clean out the infant tub and be on your merry way. BUT, when it's in the tub YOU use and there are toys and a curious toddler in it, things start to go downhill fast. Let us start at the beginning.....

It started off like any other bath. Madison was playing and I was cleaning up the bathroom a little. She started trying to make herself fart (which is her newest thing and it cracks her up). When I looked in the tub I didn't hear a 'fart' sound and I saw a HUGE smile on Madison's face.  This is all I could say,

"Oh nooooooooooooooooo! MADISON ANN!!!! Crap! Matt? I might need your help here!" (he couldn't hear me because he was doing the dishes.. and no that is not a typo)

So I grab her(before she could get to anything), take her upstairs and put her jammies on. Ok so what next? What the heck do I do with the toys and tub? I grab a bottle of clorox, a cup and a plastic bag. I bag up the toys and throw them in a sink of water/clorox. Then, I douse the tub in clorox and scrub it down. Oh, the cup you ask? Yeah, that was to um.. scoop out the culprit. So really it wasn't a big deal. I just kind of panicked because of the germs.. etc. 

The best part of it all was I thought to grab the camera before the clean up started. Trust me when I say these pictures will haunt her in years to come. I am picturing a slide show with said pictures at a graduation party or some sort of big event. 

Sometimes it's fun being a parent!

And now... he pictures.. you have been warned...

Friday, March 13, 2009

Madison at 18 months

Madison is doing sooo many fun and cute things nowadays that I wanted to write them all down. I also thought it would be fun for my family to read this as well. 

*The bedtime routine*

This is the best part of the day for me. Not because she is about to go to bed and I can finally relax (even though that IS nice), but because she does the CUTEST things! 
This is the routine:
*put water in humidifier and turn it on
*turn off the big light and turn on her lamp (it's not as bright this way)
*change diaper
*brush teeth
*turn on music mobile
*read books
*once music mobile stops, say "ut oh, time for bed"
*put her in bed and tell her to give kisses to her monkeys (she has curious George in her crib)
*tell her to give Mommy a kiss, say "i love you, see you in the morning", and turn off her light

The cute things:
*If I do anything out of order she lets me know. She will point to the humidifier or mobile.. etc.
*If she is tired and wants to go to sleep, she will look at the mobile and say "ut oooooh"
*We read the same 6-8 books every night, even though she has 30+ books in the book bin. She will dig through the bin to find the one she wants
*When reading "touch and feel pets", she gives eskimo kisses to all of the animals. When reading "touch and feel bathtime" she makes me take her finger and counts the things on the page (i did this with her ONCE). She counts like this.. Deeeea.. deeeeea.. deeeeea. That is the best way I can describe it. 

*Her favorite things*

*SpongeBob SquarePants- (it's a cartoon). I have no idea why but this is the only thing that holds her attention. It comes in handy at 2am when she is teething
*Lotion- She LOVES to rub it all over herself. It's the only way I can change her diaper. I dap a little on her hand and she rubs it on her tummy.
*Being outside- 100% obsessed with being outside
*Baths- as soon as I turn on the water she RUNS into the bathroom
*Good Night Moon and 5 Little Monkey's- These are her favorite books
*Going down the BIG slide by herself- She goes down on her tummy and does NOT want you to catch her
*Avacado, peanut butter/jelly sandwiches, string cheese, goldfish crackers and oatmeal. She could seriously live on these

*Stuff she can do/say*

*Cacker = Cracker
*baBA (always emphasis on the last BA) = bubbas (Damon)
*ba = ball
*QUA QUA= sound a duck makes (she always says it loudly)
*RRRRrrrrrraaaa= the sound every other animal makes
*ha ha= sound a monkey makes
*bebe= baby doll
*knows where her eyes, ears, nose, mouth and hair are

I will probably add to this as I think of things but there ya go.. 18 months in a nutshell

Monday, March 9, 2009

I am caving to pressure from my peers...

Before.. a sloppy mess!

Ok ok ok ok.. I get it.. I need to update this thing. I am going to try my hardest to post at least twice a month. If my life were super duper exciting, I would post more.

Madison got her hair cut for the first time a few weeks ago. It's the moment every parent waits for. They fully expect their kid to scream bloody murder, put up a fight or at least give SOME sort of sign that they are not happy... right? Well.. not my kid. I am beginning to think she is a robot. She just sat there the ENTIRE time. Looked around, looked up at the stylist.. drank her milk.. it was like we were just hanging out. Of course I did not want her to freak out.. BUT... one... just ONE crying picture would have been great. Ya know, to use later at Graduation or some important social event. There was a kid screaming his head off and she kept giving him the "wtf is your problem" look. If you have spent ANY time with Madison then you know the look. It's amazing how different she looks now. She looks like a big kid, not a baby. Her hair is so fine I wasn't sure if I should cut it, but I am glad I did. Check out the before and after pics. 

During (Too cool for school)   After (Awwwww)