Saturday, April 11, 2009

Easter Egg Hunt!

This was sooo cute! One of the fabulous Mom's in my Mom's group had the kiddos over for an egg hunt. Everyone brought over 10 eggs filled with whatever we wanted. They was candy, play-doh, stickers.. etc. I have to say that I was a little surprised Madison knew what to do. I only had to tell her once to 'find eggs and put them in your basket'. Here are a few pics .. notice Madison stealing eggs from Luca's basket. She thinks she's so sneaky! It was sooooo much fun. I love being able to do stuff like this with her!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Poopie in the tub.. yes, I have pictures!

Oh boy.. where to begin. I guess it's a right of passage for any Mom. The infamous pooping in the tub. I guess it's expected to happen when they are little babies. At that point it's not a big deal. You just clean out the infant tub and be on your merry way. BUT, when it's in the tub YOU use and there are toys and a curious toddler in it, things start to go downhill fast. Let us start at the beginning.....

It started off like any other bath. Madison was playing and I was cleaning up the bathroom a little. She started trying to make herself fart (which is her newest thing and it cracks her up). When I looked in the tub I didn't hear a 'fart' sound and I saw a HUGE smile on Madison's face.  This is all I could say,

"Oh nooooooooooooooooo! MADISON ANN!!!! Crap! Matt? I might need your help here!" (he couldn't hear me because he was doing the dishes.. and no that is not a typo)

So I grab her(before she could get to anything), take her upstairs and put her jammies on. Ok so what next? What the heck do I do with the toys and tub? I grab a bottle of clorox, a cup and a plastic bag. I bag up the toys and throw them in a sink of water/clorox. Then, I douse the tub in clorox and scrub it down. Oh, the cup you ask? Yeah, that was to um.. scoop out the culprit. So really it wasn't a big deal. I just kind of panicked because of the germs.. etc. 

The best part of it all was I thought to grab the camera before the clean up started. Trust me when I say these pictures will haunt her in years to come. I am picturing a slide show with said pictures at a graduation party or some sort of big event. 

Sometimes it's fun being a parent!

And now... he pictures.. you have been warned...