Monday, December 8, 2008

It's been too long!

Really nothing spectacular is happening in the McGraw home. Maddie is being Maddie. Getting into everything and slowly giving me gray hair. She is not walking yet but she can walk with a walker (or laundry basket.. whatever is handy). She is climbing up AND down the stairs (oh joy) and loves to slide down the slides at the park. She is going to be my little roller coaster rider. The girl has NO fear! 

Right now we are getting ready for the holidays. The lights are hung, tree is up and presents are wrapped (yes, I am done with my shopping.. don't hate!). This Saturday my family is getting together for an early Christmas celebration. It's always a good time. My uncle Jerry's kids are HILARIOUS! Last year they put on the cutest Christmas pageant. It will be funny to see if they try to incorporate Madison this year. 

We are leaving for Rhode Island on the 21st. I am SO SO SO excited! I love being there for the holidays. It's cold, there's family and friends.. what more could you ask for!? I am a little worried about how Madison will be on the plane. It's so hard to entertain her for 5 1/2 hours! Oh well, it will be worth it. 

That's all I got for now! Here are a few recent pictures. Have a great Christmas and Happy New Year!


Abbey said...

She's such a sweetheart, even with a grumpy face! I loved your email with the pic of her and Santa, priceless! That's one thing I haven't gotten around to doing yet and need to...