Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The past month...

My little girl has been VERY busy lately! I swear she has learned 10 new things in the last few weeks. It's fun, scary and sad all at the same time!! In the past 2 weeks she has done the following things...

1. Feed herself (this is HUGE)
2. Eat cherrios (Matt is SOOO happy about this!)
3. Crawl forward
4. Pull herself up on everything and anything.. including the stairs (crap!)
5. Dance
6. Actual babble .. it's like baby sentences, not just baba, dada.. it's babada, dadt!, daaabababa, aaadadt, eeeeeeeeeeee! If someone could translate that for me I would appreciate it ;)
7. Sit up from laying down
8. Stands up in her crib
9. Holds her own bottle (sorta.. it's getting better)
10. Eats SOLID food! Peas, pasta, fruit and chicken

It just reminds me how fast she is growing up. When I think about her birthday in less than a month it makes me want to cry. Where did this year go? I feel like I was JUST calling Matt and telling him I was going to "drive myself to the hospital". ::::sigh:::: 

Here are a few pics of her in action the last few weeks.


Brandi said...

Way to go, Maddie!

I know what you mean, Cyrena. Ryan has a b-day coming up soon and I seriously have no idea of where 2 years went! They grow up way too fast.