Saturday, June 28, 2008

Let me introduce myself and my family.....

So I have decided to start a blog. All my friends are doing it and I wanted to feel like I was in the "cool group". haha.. ok not really. This is basically a way for me to look back on my life with a beautiful baby, a goofy dog and a wonderful husband. I will try to update this as much as possible but lets face it.. sometimes life is just life and not much is going on. I am sure it will be witty, sad and happy but mostly real. Having a family is not all rose petals and rainbows, and if you think life is like that then this blog is not for you. I am going to warn you that I am a horrible writer. My thoughts get easily jumbled and my grammar and punctuation are horrible. If you can tolerate that then come on in, hold tight and enjoy the ride..... here is a quick intro on who we are.

Cyrena and Matt aka "Mom and Dad" Damon aka "the bubeeze" aka "the big brother"

And of course... little miss attitude herself.. Madison aka "McMuffin"

Please bare with me while I figure out the wonderful world of blogging.